The TacoPleX comes in pieces (some assembly is required) :
A kernel patch (ip_hr-sv-kv.patch): In the name of the patch, replace sv with the source version (e.g. 0.1) and replace kv with the kernel version (e.g. 2.2.13). (For the interested, "ip_hr" means "IP Hash Router".) For maximum efficiency, TacoPleX must operate at the kernel level. User space interaction with system-level networking requires time-consuming memory copies between user and kernel space. The kerenel patch effectively converts a normal Linux system into a "hashing router".
A system daemon (tacoplexd): This program runs like any other system service and organizes communication between the user and the kernel code as well as between leveler machines. Most of the hard stuff (leveling algorithm, election protocol) live here.
A user control program (tacoplexadm): The control program is the user hook into the system. It can be used to add and remove server machines in the cluster, select virtual IP addresses, and get information about the current state of the system.
A custom monitor (tacoplex.monitor): The monitor is for use with the mon system monitoring package.
A performance analyzer (Tac-O-Meter): The analyzer will work only on clusters using Linux servers and requires a machine external to the cluster as a test bed. Tac-O-Meter is included to determine the service degredation conditions of the levelers.